Hillsborough Estate Security Solutions
Techlinea was hired 26 years ago to be part of the design and remodel team for this 38K Sq/ft estate. Our task to design the security and surveillance system and integrate it with a 1.3 acre landscape lighting system. Techlinea has been maintaining and servicing this account until it was sold this year.

The property was originally the Tobin Clark Estate built for banking Heiress Celia Tobin in Hillsborough, and designed by Architect David Adler in 1932. For Techlinea it was the biggest and most complex project we'd done at the time. From a security systems aspect it’s still unmatched.

Ultimately it was an amazing project, but the best part is that the home-owner and I developed a 26-year friendship, and by supporting this estate it allowed me stay up on the cutting edge of security & surveillance technology, and best techniques and practices that forced me to keep my electrical and troubleshooting skills honed to a razor's edge.

Aside from all the technology it was and still is a gorgeous estate. I hope the new owners enjoy it as much as the previous owner did.